Running Lineage Analysis

You can run forward or reverse lineage analysis using the mapping specification grid on:

  • Any source / target table
  • Any source / target column

To run forward lineage report at table / column level, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Application Menu > Data Catalog > Mapping Manager.
  2. Under the Workspace Mappings pane, expand the desired project.
  3. Click the desired map.
  4. The Mapping Specification grid appears.

  5. Select the desired row.
  6. Right-click the target or source table name / column name cell.
  7. Hover over Lineage Analyzer.
  8. Hover over Forward.
  9. Use the following options:
    All Projects
    Use this option to include all the projects in the Mapping Manager for the analysis.
    By Projects
    Use this option to include or exclude projects in the Mapping Manager for the analysis.
    Select the <project_name> check box to include the project in the forward lineage analysis and click .
    Note: You can select multiple projects.
  10. The forward lineage report appears.

To run reverse lineage report at table / column level, follow these steps:

  1. Click the desired map.
  2. The mapping specification grid appears.

  3. Right-click the target or source table name / column name cell.
  4. Hover over Lineage Analyzer.
  5. Hover over Reverse.
  6. Use the following options:
    All Projects
    Use this option to include all the projects in the Mapping Manager for the analysis.
    By Projects
    Use this option to include or exclude projects in the Mapping Manager for the analysis.
    Select the <project_name> check box to include the project in the reverse lineage analysis and click .
    Note: You can select multiple projects.
  7. The reverse lineage report appears.

You can use Dual - Combined View to view the dual lineage of a table / column and Dual Split View to view forward and reverse lineage of a table / column in two different tabs.

  • Lineage Reports of Tables
    The lineage analysis report of a table appears like this:
    To export the report in .pdf format, click .
    To export the report in .jpg format, click .
    To export the report in .xlsx format, click .
    Technical: Use this pane to view the technical properties of the table.
    Extended Properties: Expand this pane to view the extended properties of the table configured by you.
    Lineage Reports of Columns
    The lineage report of a column appears like this:
    To export the report in .pdf format, click .
    To export the report in .jpg format, click .
    To export the report in .xlsx format, click .
    Technical: Use this pane to view the technical properties of the column.
    Business: Use this pane to view the business properties of the column.
    Transformations: Use this pane to view the transformations involved in various lineage links.
    To view the transformation, click the desired lineage link.
    Valid Values: Expand this pane and click the hyperlink to view Codeset Valid Values.
    You can assign Codesets to a column in the Metadata Manager.
    Extended Properties: Expand this pane to view the extended properties of the column.
    Legend: Expand this pane to view the legend used in the report.